Kirkstall Liberal Democrat Candidate Tom Edwards
The whole political process is currently a shambles and politicians are near the bottom in the rating of public trust in professions.
We need new representatives able to move on from the poor decision-making of the Conservative government that has caused thousands of unnecessary Covid deaths, and away from the feeble Labour opposition.
We have all learned lessons this year and the post-pandemic society will be based on Liberal values:
- solidarity between citizens, locally and nationally
- a greater awareness of the importance of community
- an acceptance that local government has a key role
- an enhanced status for the public service – at all levels
- the primacy of human values over economic demands
- the urgent need to support job creation, particularly at local level, and particularly with co-operative structures.
Locally for Kirkstall and West Park there are a number of important issues. The local community association has long battled for a district centre without success. The council’s planning decision has removed the obvious location at Kirkstall junction and a new site is urgently needed. This will be my first local priority.
It is the wrong moment to plan for a development of the Leeds Bradford Airport.
It is crucial for our children’s future that we take climate change seriously; I oppose the current planning application, and support lower car pollution and more recycling.
I support the preservation of local community pubs, and will support more safety on the streets with extra street lighting etc.
Lower levels of dog fouling would also be welcome. I hope you will able to support me.
I live locally and share the life of this community. If you’d like further information please email leedstedwards@gmail.com.