We would normally be having a meeting this evening at The Cardigan Arms, but obviously due to the present situation we cannot do this. Instead, we will trial an online meeting with Zoom, a video conferencing system. The URL for the meeting will be emailed round later today.
Note that the free version of Zoom only allows 40minute meetings if there are more than two participants. We will supply the link for the second 40m section, if required, during the meeting.
This does not require you to install any software, although there is a small application that does make things smoother. Please visit https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting to download this if you can.
You will need a webcamera and a microphone, or some way of propping your smartphone up so you won't have to hold it (apologies if I'm teaching my grandmother to suck eggs at this stage!)
Dan Walker, Chair, Leeds West Liberal Democrats