All members and supporters are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting. Here is the draft agenda, to be finalised by the 16th October.
Draft Agenda
Report from the Chair
Treasurer's Report¹
Conference Reports²
Election of Officers & Representatives
- Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Hon. President
- Ward Reps
- Ordinary members as necessary
Announcement of Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Other Motions
If you have a motion for the local party to consider, it must be announced 21 days in advance of the meeting. As this deadline is Wednesday 16th October, please do contact the commitee on libdemleedswest@gmail.com before then.
The AGM will start at 8pm but will be preceded by a short half-hour meeting covering the usual business of the Monthly Meeting.
Dan Walker, Chair, Leeds West LibDems
- The treasurer's report normally covers the last full financial year; as we only demerged from the joint Pudsey & Leeds West constituency party this year there has not been a full financial year so this will be a brief summary.
- Unfortunately, due to illness, Michael and I were unable to attend the Autumn Conference this year. Members may wish to look through the passed motions and policy papers.